Stand Up For Tibet : Save Tibetan Lives - SIGN Petition on
2011年10月21日 :
TibetArchive :
SIGN This Petition: Tibetans inside Tibet have been protesting for 60+ years for Freedom in Tibet from Chinese Brutal Occupation ! Link: October 17: Reports coming out of Tibet confirm the demise of yet another Tibetan, this time a nun, after she torched her body in an apparent protest against China’s continued occupation of Tibet. Tenzin Wangmo, around 20 years of age, set herself on fire at around 1 pm local time in the Ngaba region of eastern Tibet today. The exile base of Kirti Monastery, citing eyewitnesses, in a release today said that Tenzin Wangmo self immolated on a crossroad near her monastery, the Mamae Dechen Choekhorling Nunnery, about 3 kms away from Ngaba County. "Tenzin Wangmo was engulfed in flames as she marched on the streets for nearly 7 to 8 minutes raising slogans calling for the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama from exile and religious freedom in Tibet," the release said. Tenzin Wangmo died immediately. According to the release, nuns from the Mamae nunnery carried Tenzin Wangmo’s body to the nunnery and despite repeated warnings from Chinese security personnel, refuse to give possession of the deceased’s body. "The Chinese authorities have given the nuns an ultimatum to either hand over the deceased’s body or bury Tenzin Wangmo’s body by tonight," the release said. The situation around Mamae nunnery, which is the largest nunnery in the Ngaba region with over 350 nuns, is being described as tense. This is the <b>...</b>
タグ : Tibet tibetan Monk Nuns Protest for Freedom Aba Ngaba Self Immolation Immolate Nun Monks Burn Fire China Beijing Military Guns Totalitarian Brutal invasion FREE SAVE FROM 西藏拉萨达赖喇嘛自由牺牲和尚尼姑和平宗教Tibet Archive
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